"Blue Ocean Watch began life as a rallying call to arms amongst a group of filmmakers and scientists who were united in a deep passion for engaging with and ultimately seeking ways to resolve the precipitous situation the planet’s oceans face due to decades of pollution, over fishing and dumping of waste.
BOW has grown from this unity over the past years into a committed plan of action and a formally established non-profit Association consisting of award winning filmmakers and writers, vastly experienced sailors and explorers alongside world class research scientists in oceanography, marine biology, technology and education. All are seeking to create and support the BOW online platform which acts as the portal for oceanic and marine research to reach educational institutes and the general public, in many ways acting as a Rosetta stone to translate complicated scientific endeavours into understandable, actionable, accessible information. Due to the diversity of our contributors, the resources of scientific knowledge and data that we will accumulate over time will be unparalleled. BOW is not simply a platform for distribution, but it will actively encourage and foster a dialogue and interaction with its audience, for example enabling university students to talk live with on-board scientists and also remotely operate probes and measuring instruments on the boats."
Data and Resources
Field | Value |
Modified | 2019-11-05 |
Release Date | 2019-11-05 |
Identifier | e145ede3-b251-4a37-bc0a-30f28f1d6515 |
License | License Not Specified |
Public Access Level | Public |